Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tova Bayla Socher

Tova Bayla Socher was born on February 24, 2008. After a rough start, she has thrived. Bayla currently enjoys:

• Playing with her parents, Shoshana & Abe and her older siblings, Dalia, Dani, Coby, Anna and Naomi.
• Nursing--a major accomplishment, given her long hospital stay, heart surgery and low muscle tone during the first few weeks of life.
• Messily eating mashed carrots, mushy peas, challa etc--and feeding others (her dog, her parents) the leftovers.
• Visiting her grandparents, Tammy & David, and cousin Samantha around the corner.
• Kissing and waving hi.
• Sitting up and rolling around.
• Blocks, books and eloquent babble.

She is scheduled for open heart surgery at the Cleveland Clinic on January 14th to correct an AV Canal defect and Tetralogy of Fallot. This is a serious, complicated surgery, but her surgeon Dr. Constantine Mavroudis is a world-famous pediatric heart surgeon and Bayla is a very strong baby.

Shoshana and I will try to update this blog, which will replace her earlier carepage, on a regular basis.


  1. Thank you for the updates! What a little sweetheart. For davening purposes, she's Tova Bayla bas Shoshana?

    How long will she be in the hospital and would she like visitors? (I'd leave the toddlers at home of course).

    All the best, and I love hearing what she's up to--- sounds like a fun loving little gal!

    Heather (and Adam and the kiddos)

  2. I wish you all the best, she is adorable. My thoughts are with her on the 14th.

  3. Just wanted to let you know our thoughts are with you.

    Sharon and Andrew

  4. Go Bayla, go Bayla! We rooting for you! - Amalia, Adam, Amital, Elchanan, Ilan and Netta Haas
