Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Next American Idol

Look who's ready to play, ready to sing, ready to sing out the fact that she is SO much better...Bayla has not had a fever since early this morning, which is really a big step towards going home. As of late this afternoon, she and we had been moved to the step-down unit, and then to a private room in the step-down unit.

The private room is really only because they think she might still be infectious. We think it's a bonus because there is a bathroom, and an extra bed. Don't tell the nurses that we're going to actually USE the extra bed. Coby dropped off Naomi and Dalia on his way to wrestling practice. Abe took Dalia and himself home, and Naomi is staying for a sleep-over/sewathon. Let's hope for a quiet night, no more fever and mention of the "H" word (HOME).
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1 comment:

  1. Bayla, you are TOO cute! I wish we could cuddle with you too!

    Love, The Davis Family
