Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Do You Know the Way to San Jose?

You might, and I certainly might, but I can't get there without the CAR KEYS that I've lost somewhere in the hospital. Coby, I hope you don't mind your car being snowed in at the Cleveland Clinic long term, as I search and search and search for the key...if anyone out there knows where the spare is, let me know.

Much more pressingly, Bayla's fever is down to 99! And it turns out that Dr. Mumtaz "didn't know" that you're not allowed to sleep in bed with a child under the age of two. Whoops. Really, in the end, I didn't sleep anyway, more just laid awake with her all night...


  1. Doctors disagree on co-sleeping, but my opinion is do what's right for the particular child at the particular time, and you're doing right by Bayla for certain! If she's enjoying co-sleeping, keep it up, naysayers be darned. :) Keep that fever going down, Bayla!

  2. send us piks of Bay and Dals w/ her new braces!!! YAY dalia! THats so great her fever is down! Good job B!!!! we love you!

  3. keys r on the big computer desk on top of the big key box.....
    pretty sure
    think so
    hope so

    sleep with ur baby
    sleep with ur girl
