Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Great Shabbos, In Fact

Shoshana, Bayla and I had a great and eventful Shabbos in the hospital, though the sleeping accommodations were less than ideal. Shoshana slept on 3 yoga mats next to the bed, while I slept on the extra-wide window sill.

In the morning Bayla woke up, made intent eye contact and by 10:00 a.m. Shosh was nursing her with Dr. Mavroudis' ok. We also ate well, courtesy of the remarkable Cleveland Bikkur Cholim organization which even had a hot cholent in their hospitality room. (19th Cen. poet Heinrich Heine on cholent: "Cholent, ray of light immortal!/Cholent, daughter of Elysium!/So would Schiller’s song have resounded,/ Had he ever tasted Cholent).

By the afternoon, Bayla had gone from her initial 6 pumps, and leads without number to just 1 open, but unattached peripheral line on her foot, and her cumbersome chest tubes which will come out tomorrow. Admittedly one of these lines came out by accident, which was messy and initially scary (Shosh can tell the story--I was downstairs getting the cholent), but not dangerous.

We have been moved out of intensive care in the PICU to ... I'm not sure what they call it aside from M40. "Less Intensive Care Unit" would be LICU, which has an unhygienic sound. This all suggests that Bayla may really set a record for infants here at the Clinic who have had a complete repair of Tetralogy of Fallot and AV Canal defects (bli ayin ha-ra etc.)

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you all! Bayla's quick recovery is a great example of just how resilient DS kids are! They bounce back so quickly and fight so hard! I love the name LICU very creative, LOL! The other name is actually the Step-Down Unit and as I am sure you are finding out it is definitely a step down from the PICU. Again lots of love and good thoughts are coming your way! Maybe I will wander over there to visit in the next day or so. Take Care!
