Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Question of the Day

Got Hope? That's the question of the day. Bayla seems to have stablilized a bit in terms of her fever (106.7 is SCARY), and her chyle is mostly done. Yesterday, she had one drainage tube from her chest removed, leaving just one more. Today, she's scheduled for a CT scan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computed_tomography) to rule out anything to do with her fever, specifically something going on in her lungs. The scan requires six hours of not eating, which I highly doubt she'll be happy about. (I wouldn't!) Loads and loads of snow out there, more expected today.

On the family front, Anna goes back to college today, and Dalia gets braces. Coby and Dani are going to clean their room (right?), and Naomi will shuttle back and forth. Off to the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Shosh! We're having Bayla in mind when we're davening.

    Refuah Shleima!

    Barak and Elana
