Sunday, January 18, 2009

One Step Forward, Two Steps Sideways

Bayla had a really rough night--fussy, feverish, kicking, etc. At rounds today, I discussed the situation with Doc Rosenthal. It seems she has a lot of milky white drainage from her chest tubes (chyle, in case you were interested), and the tubes will have to stay in at least another day. Definitely an impediment to going home. What's more, if the milky-whiteness doesn't improve, she will have to go off breastmilk, and on to a short-fat formula which will hopefully reverse the situation. That's problem one. Problem two is a fever (102.2) which I mentioned all night long, but wasn't taken seriously until the morning. As a result, Bayla has been blood and urine cultured to check for infection...let's just hope these are sideways steps and not major steps backwards.


  1. Shoshana,
    There is another option besides short-fat formula for a chyle problem. Bobby's Dairy: Nursing a baby with a chylothorax. Bobby was born with serious cardiac problems and developed chyothorax after surgery. His parents used a centrifuge to skim pumped milk. Read the article it might be helpful. I "know" this mom (online), in 2003 Bobby was 3 years old, so he's closing in on 9 years old now.

  2. THANK YOU. Thats the info I was looking for

  3. Hi, Shoshana and Abe. Just back from Colombia and again have good internet access. Have been catching up on your blog and wanted to pass along our best wishes.
    Steve Volk

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Bayla's setback. Hang in there! Been there, done that and sometimes the fever means absolutely nothing. Liliana did that a lot and many times her cultures came back negative. Sometimes it's just from the stress of the surgery and everything they are going through that causes them to spike a temperature. I will pray that this whole situation works itself out and she will be home in no time.

  5. Shoshana,

    I'm really glad the link I shared looks helpful, if there is a way to keep Bayla getting your milk that helps to protect her from/deal with any existing infections. If you have specific questions I'm pretty sure that Trish would talk with you.

    Best wishes,
