Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

As Stevie Wonder so succinctly put it, "Isn't she lovely?" There are so many reasons we were given this baby. Not just any baby, but this particular baby. And through them all, I continue to think, "Isn't she lovely?"

One. It's such a big number. And of course, it's so little. Bayla turns one today. In many ways, I never thought we'd reach this day. Not that Bayla wouldn't reach this day, but that psychically, we would never get here. And here we are. Time marches on, and tomorrow, we'll be one more day on the way to two.

This is the last (or very near the last, since Abe might post as well) post for Bayla's blog. We really thank everyone for following along, for caring, for taking the time to worry with us, and for the offers of food, prayers, good wishes, etc. We used to have a baby with congenital heart disease, and now we just have a baby. Not just any baby, but this particular baby.
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  1. Happy Birthday Bayla! My mom has a little gift to drop off one day, hopefully we'll be able to catch you at home.

  2. Happy Birthday beautiful girl - and congratulations to all of you on your first year as a family of seven. You have been such an inspiration - thanks for sharing your journey. From that little mite I first met to this strong smiling girl - oh yes, she's lovely. What a blessing Bayla is and will continue to be - for all of us who know her.
