Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Isn't She Lovely?

As Stevie Wonder so succinctly put it, "Isn't she lovely?" There are so many reasons we were given this baby. Not just any baby, but this particular baby. And through them all, I continue to think, "Isn't she lovely?"

One. It's such a big number. And of course, it's so little. Bayla turns one today. In many ways, I never thought we'd reach this day. Not that Bayla wouldn't reach this day, but that psychically, we would never get here. And here we are. Time marches on, and tomorrow, we'll be one more day on the way to two.

This is the last (or very near the last, since Abe might post as well) post for Bayla's blog. We really thank everyone for following along, for caring, for taking the time to worry with us, and for the offers of food, prayers, good wishes, etc. We used to have a baby with congenital heart disease, and now we just have a baby. Not just any baby, but this particular baby.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dancing Fool

Well, it might have taken the Jackson 5, but Bayla started dancing in her high chair today! So super cute I could hardly take it. She was bouncing up and down, waving her arms. Unbelieveable that we made it to this point.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nearing One

One. Bayla is so nearly one. It's hard to believe. This has been an incredible year, filled with so many ups and downs, it's practically impossible to count them all. At story time today, Bayla sat up with her straight little back, staring at the story lady, taking it all in. Is she like a "typical" one year old? In most ways, yes. In some profound ways, no. We will continue to love her, encourage her, make sure she thrives.

As far as surgical recovery goes, it seems like everything is as regular as can be. In fact, it's hard to remember that we were so deep in the Cleveland Clinic so recently. There is so much to say about life in an institution, but most of it's been said before, so I'll leave off.

In terms of re-integration, everything is pretty good, save for sleep. Bayla has been WIDE awake for 2 hours every night in the real middle of the night. It's tough on us, and we're ready to be done with it, but of course, we're mostly just so super happy to have her home with us.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Yes Sir, That's My Baby

Wow. I can't beleive what shape Bayla is in. Last night, she sat in her high chair, eating dinner like a big girl, grinning and goofing off at the same time.

Today, Savta ("grandma" in Hebrew) comes to visit. Thanks to Grandpa for letting her go!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Get out of Jail Free

Today, it feels like we were handed a "get out jail free" card. We took Bayla for a follow up visit to Dr. Rosenthal, and amazingly, he said to come back in THREE MONTHS! Over the last year, we have had at least 15 visits to the cardiologist, and to not have to come back for three whole months feels like a tremendous triumph. Besides answering all our questions (No, captapril does not have to be given in the middle of the night, 3x a day will do), Dr. Rosenthal spent a large chunk of time explaining heart function to us. Aided by a large wall chart, we were given an extensive tour of the heart, arteries, ventricles, etc. etc. I certainly know more than I ever thought I would. Regardless, it feels great to be free...shabbat shalom.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Birding Help

Anyone out there know what this is? He appeared on our lawn this afternoon, stalked around a bit, scared off the little birds, and then flew away.
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Yes Sir, That's My Baby

Wow. It seems like Bayla is recovering by the hour. I figured that she would lay down for story time, and instead, she sat up straight as can be for the whole thing. She especially liked the bubbles at the end, which were blown around by a small fan.

Recovery is a funny thing, and it really hit home today when I was looking for something, and Abe remarked, "I haven't lived at home for the last two weeks either." Right. We weren't living at home. That really hit me. That's partly why it feels SO good to be home. I'm rediscovering the things I like about being here, and remembering the harsh side too (laundry!). Mostly, normal never felt so good.
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