Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nearing One

One. Bayla is so nearly one. It's hard to believe. This has been an incredible year, filled with so many ups and downs, it's practically impossible to count them all. At story time today, Bayla sat up with her straight little back, staring at the story lady, taking it all in. Is she like a "typical" one year old? In most ways, yes. In some profound ways, no. We will continue to love her, encourage her, make sure she thrives.

As far as surgical recovery goes, it seems like everything is as regular as can be. In fact, it's hard to remember that we were so deep in the Cleveland Clinic so recently. There is so much to say about life in an institution, but most of it's been said before, so I'll leave off.

In terms of re-integration, everything is pretty good, save for sleep. Bayla has been WIDE awake for 2 hours every night in the real middle of the night. It's tough on us, and we're ready to be done with it, but of course, we're mostly just so super happy to have her home with us.
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  1. She is looking great Shosh! Keep up the good work mama!

  2. Our Chananiah has a tough time with night time being sleep time---- we started him on melatonin and we are sooooooooooo glad we did. Maybe ask your ped if crushing a melatonin pill in her bottle might be a plan for her. Do you nurse exclusively? Maybe some applesauce instead of a bottle in that case.... is she doing ok with solids these days? Chananiah used to bounce and sing the alphabet from 8:30 to 11:30 pm every night before falling asleep. Now he's usually out cold before 8. Bayla is such a cutiepie and I'm glad she's recovering well!
